May and June Update

May and June Update

The month of May started off with Labour Day holiday. As a family we went and found a place along a river to spend some time together. We took a picnic lunch and enjoyed several hours of playing in the river and using our imaginations. The river had big rocks in it so we were able to climb around on them. The children enjoyed it a lot. In our exploration we found a perfect little spot to have our picnic lunch. It involved carrying the cooler of food across the river, but it all turned out well and we had a good time.

The first Fridays of May and June we had Family Night at church. We played a variety of games, Bible trivia, a gum relay, spoons, and Pictionary. There was some good competition, and we all had a good time. These evenings are always a lot of fun! The ping pong table was set up so after devotions, and after a little snack some people enjoyed playing ping pong. A godly family is such a vital part of the church. Please continue to pray for godly families worldwide.

May was still really dry, everything had turned brown, and the water continued to be off except on Mondays and Fridays. Into June it started to rain more, and we enjoyed a week of the water being on all the time. It is now back to Mondays and Fridays, but we continue to get rain so hopefully before too long we will have more constant water.

Thursday afternoon Bible Clubs continues to go well. It's so good to get to know these children better. There is so much potential in each one of their lives. Our prayer is that they can surrender their lives to God and live in obedience to Him. After a couple songs and a Bible story, we play games with them. The games range from limbo, jumping rope, dodgeball, and freeze tag.

The one evening there was a basketball game down at the court, so I took the three oldest children and watched. There were some really good plays and we even got to see a dunk! I enjoy attending community events as it's a great way to meet new people.

On May 17th. Jaymison turned eight years old! It's hard to imagine he is that old already! He is a good big brother to his siblings, and he has a great imagination that he uses outside as well as when he builds things with Legos. I love to see how his mind works! He is very much a problem solver, so he is always coming up with solutions for things. We love the energy and joy he brings our family.

On the 20th of May, we had a holiday called Whit Monday. We went with the church on a hiking trip. We hiked Mount Qua Qua. There is a lake at the bottom where you start and it's about 1.3 miles up to the top. It's not a real long hike but parts of the trail are fairly steep and more difficult for the children to navigate. We weren't sure if our whole family would make it to the top, but we did! The three oldest children did an amazing job. All three hiked all the way up and back down with very little complaining. Quinton got to ride on my back in a carrier, so he enjoyed the hike a lot and even got a short nap in on the way back down. After the hike we had a picnic by the lake.

The 31st of May, I drove bus for a school field trip. We took the students to a beach that had black sand. We had to hike a little way to the beach, and we hiked by a cave. I looked into the cave but didn't venture far into it. The low flying bats aren't something that I enjoy trying to dodge while in a dark cave!

The last weekend in May we had street meetings in one of the local communities. It was Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evening. The weather was nice, and we didn't have to worry about trying to escape the rain. Pray for the seeds that were planted through those meetings.

We've had a couple more workdays for the bedroom project. The dirt was really hard, so we ended up renting a small electric jack hammer the one time to help break it up. That worked really well. It made the job go a lot faster. I think all the dirt is dug out. We will need to cut the door out into the house and see what kind of steps will need to be built in order to access the back room.

I also helped work on two of the mission buses one day. It was good to get back into working on vehicles again for a couple hours. The driving conditions down here create a lot of wear and tear on the buses.

Thanks for your continued interest in our lives here in Grenada. Pray for our family as we serve the Lord here. I hope each one of you actively seeks opportunities to share the gospel with people wherever you are!

Brian, for the Kauffman family